Students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade participating in the University of Waterloo international mathematics competition. The top student in each grade and the top 20% of international competitors will be recognized for their analytical abilities.

Students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade participating in the University of Waterloo international mathematics competition. The top student in each grade and the top 20% of international competitors will be recognized for their analytical abilities.

During the Introduction to Business course, students are learning business concepts while launching their first start-up. Please support our students business and help them grow their operations. Science Box (Шинжлэх ухааны Хайрцаг) is a box that includes all equipment, materials, and references needed for children to absorb scientific knowledge while having fun. The mission of the Science Box is to provide every child a little lab for their education and curiosity, and most importantly better science education. Their first Science Box experiment is earthworms, where the children can learn to tackle 4 different experiments which are; decomposition, anatomy, plant growth and reproduction. Follow us on Instagram - and Facebook - @Шинжлэх ухааны Хайрцаг Lute - Bath bombs are fun, vibrant balls of dry ingredients that dissolve and release essential oils when placed in water. The mission of Lute is to expand our knowledge of natural ingredients, create exceptional products, and give back to the community worldwide. Follow us on Instagram - @lute.mongolia and Facebook - @lute.Mongolia Their products are sold at the Elementary School Reception every Thursday starting at 3:35pm and every day at the Secondary School Reception.

Published on:2023/04/14