Principal's Message

Principal’s Message
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at the American School of Ulaanbaatar! The Secondary School of ASU is excited to welcome new and returning families, as our faculty and staff prepare for us to have another successful year in academic achievement, social-emotional growth, and continuance in striving for excellence in all that we do as a community of lifelong learners.
At the secondary school, we focus on building our students' foundational skills acquired in elementary school. We are committed to developing their sense of self, ownership, and belonging, fostering our core values as a school of lifelong learners. Every year, we build upon each child's foundational knowledge, not only on learning standards but also on their self-awareness and place in the world.
Our motto is "Home of Future Leaders," and while we take pride in our graduates making their own lives and connecting with people globally, we look forward to seeing them return to Mongolia as the innovative leaders of tomorrow.
The ASU Secondary School faculty and staff are committed to our students' achievements and well-being. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Let’s have a great academic year together!
Mr. Tom A. Kaualoku, M.S. Ed.
Secondary School Principal