Business and Computing ESSO

Business and Computing ESSO

Here at ASU Secondary School, it has become our culture to dedicate one Friday of each month to focus on developing our Expected Schoolwide Student Outcome (ESSO).

The Business and Computing Department hosted ESSO Friday in conjunction with Computer Science Education Week (December 4-8). CSEdWeek is a yearly event “dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in Computer Science.” The highlight of CSEdWeek is Hour of Code - a global event or movement to encourage all students to learn the basics of Coding. Our school participates in this event every year and our goal is for each of our students (K-12) to learn to code for one hour.

The culmination of CSEdWeek was on December 8 and an ESSO Friday. We held a mini-expo for the Secondary School students to emphasize the importance or role of Computer Science / Technology in our day to day life.

The guest speakers that presented were:

Mr. Enkh-Ireedui Soninpurev, Head of Digital Banking and ATM Channels Department at Khan Bank Ms.Uyanga Munkhbold, Country Manager at What3 Words Limited

Mr. Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar, CEO & Founder of Khuur Music Group Limited Liability Company and

Mr. Gantig Bayarmagnai , CEO of Digital Exchange Mongolia LLC (created the first Mongolia’s Cryptocurrency platform)

Students from all Spirit Houses--Wind, Fire, Earth & Water--participated in robot building, graph paper programming, and solving cryptograms. Students viewed exhibits from the different companies, and What3Words had a give-away for the students who participated in "Design your New Year Resolution" with What3Words competition.

Well done ASU Team! We are proud of you.

Published on:2023/04/14