Otherworldly Learning: ASU students Skype with U.S. students to discuss Mongolian History
Technology connected ASU with Fountain Valley School (Colorado Springs, CO, USA) last week as students from the other side of the world reached out to educate and share stories.
“On a Tuesday evening in the Fountain Valley School of Colorado Hawley Library, World Societies students gathered to place a Skype call with a classroom in Mongolia. They connected with former FVS faculty Heather Caveney, who now teaches at the American School in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The World Societies classes, taught by Jed Haupt and Penny Steele, had just wrapped up a unit on Genghis Khan and the effects and contributions of the Mongolian Empire.
On the nighttime Skype call, FVS students were greeted by their Mongolian peers waving in their blue school uniforms with sunshine lighting up their whiteboard. It was a surreal reality that modern technology presented.”
Please click here to read the complete article written by FVS History Faculty Penny Steele.