September PTG Meeting
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 5:30PM in the School Auditorium we will hold our first monthly PTG meeting of the academic year to which you are all cordially invited. This meeting is strongly advised for ALL parents and guardians who have students enrolled in Pre-K through Grade 12 at ASU. The topic under discussion will be The Mongolian Economy and Education, facilitated by Dr. Dawn Dekle, President of Orkhon University, parent of a Grade 12 ASU student and President of the ASU PTG.
The Mongolian Economy and Education
The proposed budget cuts by the newly elected Mongolian Great State Khural Parliament has caused widespread anxiety across Mongolia. Understanding the economic challenges is important for informed decisions, and also helps us to know how to talk to our children about the economy. At our PTG meeting, we will review the basics of how Mongolia’s economy decelerated, the corresponding impact on education in Mongolia, and discuss ways our ASU learning community can move forward during this time of economic adversity.
Looking forward to seeing you for what will be an informative and enjoyable discussion.
Dr. Kate Sutton Jones Roger Dutcher
Principal – MS & HS Principal – ES
American School of Ulaanbaatar American School of Ulaanbaatar