ASU Student Participated in Harvard Model United Nations in China

ASU Student Participated in Harvard Model United Nations in China

Fifteen ASU students went to Beijing to participate in Harvard Model United Nations China 2018. There were 900 students from all over the world attending this conference to confront and debate issues of international importance. At HMUN delegates assume the role of UN representatives and members of other decision-making bodies. It was an intensive learning journey for our delegates which enabled them to experience first hand the challenges of diplomacy. ASU was awarded the Community Spirit Award for our outstanding contribution to HMUN China’s mission of education and global partnership.

Seniors Naran-Erdene E. and Hongormaa B. were awarded an outstanding delegate representing France in the European Union Committee. Junior Khulan E. was awarded an Honorable Mention representing France in the Special Political and Decolonization Committee. Grade 8 Misheel D. was awarded an Honorable Mention representing France in the Special Summit on Terrorism. Sophomores Khulan O. and Onon B. were recognized for their verbal commendation for Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Committee

Well done ASU Team! We are proud of you

Published on:2023/04/14